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To promote a green lifestyle and expand the consumption of green products

NEWS / 2021-12-22 18:22:38

To promote a green lifestyle and expand the consumption of green products, we can start with the use of more environment-friendly products.

Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels

A straw, using edible starch as raw material, with a variety of flavors such as sweet potato and pumpkin; A pair of shoes, soles and uppers are made of plant materials, which are not only degradable, but also compostable... These seemingly wild ideas are gradually becoming a reality, enriching our understanding of "environment-friendly products".


Environmentally friendly products, as the name suggests, mean that when we produce and use such products, the impact on the environment should be harmless or low harm. Now many detergent and detergent packages are marked with phosphorus free words. In the past, phosphorus in washing powder would cause pollution and stimulate the skin. Nowadays, the emergence of more and more environment-friendly products also reflects that everyone's attention to environmental protection is gradually implemented into real life.


There was a time when we took nature's selfless gifts for granted and even took them too much. Over time, with the reduction of ecological capacity and environmental carrying capacity, nature becomes exhausted. Fortunately, after years of great efforts, we have gradually changed this state. This change is now reflected in the daily lives of many people. For example, when we used to use a product, we would think: is it useful to me? Now, many people may think more: do I use it to protect the environment? This transformation makes the concept of harmonious coexistence between man and nature take root in reality.

Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels

At present, there is still a lot of work to be done to build an environment-friendly society and popularize environment-friendly products. Household appliances such as air conditioners and refrigerators have eye-catching and easy to understand energy efficiency signs, which are convenient for everyone to buy. However, in many fields, it is necessary to further improve the standard, certification and identification system of green products. At the same time, many problems need to be studied, such as how to widely replace degradable plastic film and how to better popularize green and efficient refrigeration products?

Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels

In order to solve these problems, many departments have taken action. The Ministry of Commerce recently said that it will continue to promote the implementation of the consumption upgrading action plan, support and guide all localities to formulate reward and subsidy policies, and promote the consumption of green and energy-saving household appliances, furniture and other products. Recently, CNCA announced the implementation rules for the first batch of green product certification, including paper and paper products. These are all "questions" about the above problems.


To promote a green lifestyle and expand the consumption of green products, we can start with the use of more environment-friendly products.