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What is a wicker basket ?

NEWS / 2022-01-07 15:12:21

What is a wicker basket ?

Wicker basket is a basket made of hard fibers such as plastic, twisted paper fibers, willow branches, vines, reeds, etc. "Wicker" refers to any final product obtained by weaving various fibers together. Many wicker products can be seen on the market, from chairs to storage baskets. Wicker baskets come in various shapes, sizes, colors and styles. They can usually be bought from household goods stores, antique stores and shops specializing in decoration. Baskets are found in the ruins of Pompeii city. The custom of making wicker baskets seems very old. Wicker is one of the earliest art forms of mankind. The remains of ancient woven baskets have been found in Egypt, North America, Pompeii and other places, showing a variety of weaving techniques and styles. In modern times, well preserved antique wickers are quite collectible. Baskets with a history of more than 100 years are sold at high prices in stores and auctions.

Basket made by wicker technology in order to make wicker basket, basket weavers first make a frame with strong, strong and flexible materials (such as young willow branches), and then weave fibers around the frame to form a lightweight and very flexible basket pattern. The weaving process can be changed by using fibers of different colors, Or paint the basket after weaving it to create patterns. If the wicker basket is made of wood branches and branches, the usual practice is to wet the basket making material to make it more elastic, which will also cause the basket to shrink slightly during weaving. After drying, tighten the fiber to make the basket stronger. Ordinary wicker baskets are easy to buy, but you can also buy baskets with fabric or plastic lining, or waterproof baskets. These baskets can be used to organize all kinds of things, from laundry to incoming mail. For those who want to make their own baskets, many craft shops sell wicker basket making supplies. Basic technical training courses can also be provided under the guidance of experienced weavers. These courses can also be a good resource for people learning special weaving patterns. Generally speaking, taking care of the wicker basket is very important and easy. The basket shall be vacuumed or dusted regularly with a vacuum cleaner to prevent dust accumulation, and it is recommended to wipe the basket regularly with a soft and wet cloth. If something splashes on the basket, wipe it with a towel immediately to prevent stains. It is best not to put the basket in a humid environment, because the wicker basket will be moldy. Once there is a foothold, it is difficult to get the mold out.



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