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What does bamboo hinge fan bone have?

NEWS / 2021-12-30 15:46:46

What does bamboo hinge fan bone have?

1. First of all, folding fan bones can be said to contain all kinds of bamboo in the world in terms of bamboo use, such as dotted bamboo, palm bamboo, Hunan Concubine bamboo, Plum Bamboo, peach silk bamboo, sesame bamboo and Buddha belly bamboo. In the fan world, few species of bamboo are left out.

2. In terms of wood, pine and cypress were initially used, but later, red sandalwood, sandalwood, rosewood, ebony, boxwood, nanmu, chicken wing wood, and any good wood were used on fan bones.

In addition, rare xiang teeth, animal bones, horns, jade, gold, silver and bronze are also used in fan bones. It can be said that a small fan bone actually contains the world made of bamboo and wood tooth horn.






Bamboo fan What bamboo is the best?

1. Hunan concubine bamboo folding fan, is a kind of spotted bamboo, is the top quality fan material. Good fan into the price is not cheap, there is "an inch of Hunan princess an inch of gold" said, dacai rare. The best hunan concubine bamboo is produced in Jiuyi Mountain of Hunan province and is rare and difficult to find. The yi bamboo of Jiuyi mountain is evenly and clearly smeared with red or brown spots, which look like tears, fingerprints or rain, and the base of the bamboo is delicate and clean, so it is a rare spiritual material for absorbing wind and drinking dew in the world. And fujian province production of hunan concubine bamboo, the background gray light, light grain, quality is inferior to the top. Should be based on the origin of bamboo, bamboo bottom of the color and dirty clean, the shape of stripes, color, light, how much and dead, bamboo moistness and size to judge the pros and weaknesses. In recent years, caoxiang concubine produced in Myanmar appeared on the market, its output is large, the bamboo bottom is dark, the stripes are dull and the color is poor, so it cannot be used for collection.

2. Fengyan bamboo folding fan, a kind of spotted bamboo, is inferior to hunan Concubine bamboo folding fan, is the top quality fan material. Its characteristic is the stripe is not connected, relatively flat, uniform color, was brown yellow. The flower spots of fengyan bamboo are all long round, like fengyan, so it gets its name. Fengyan bamboo first said that the bamboo itself is sick, give birth to such "strange spot". There are also said to be produced in a certain place in the south. The fengyan bamboo fan bone belongs to the same species as that of Concubine Xiang, but it is not as valuable as that of Concubine Xiang. But the good fengyan bamboo is very beautiful, irregular flower spots spread on the surface of slightly brown bamboo, fengyan in a circle like tree rings, especially beautiful, can be regarded as a good material for fan bone.

3. Plum deer bamboo, a kind of spotted bamboo, is inferior to hunan concubine bamboo folding fan, which is the top quality fan material. Its characteristic is the stripe is connected, more round, the stripe outline color is deep and obvious, the spot heart is white.

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