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Will bamboo furniture be corrasional easily?

NEWS / 2021-11-29 16:36:29

Bamboo Furniture has lots of advantages including anti-corrosion. 

Edited by Charles.C


  Bamboo furniture is away from chemical pollution. As a purely environmentally friendly furniture, it has strong heat absorption capacity and maintains the natural greenness of bamboo. Bamboo furniture are a unique texture. Therefore, bamboo furniture should use special glue, which is environmental-friendly and nontoxic.


  Bamboo is beautiful in appearance. With its unique charateristics, the texture is clearly visible. It contributed to a simple and elegant freshness,due to the bamboo joints scattered and integrated, in furniture. Bamboo furniture show elegant, and it can also bring people warm in winter and cool in summer.


  Bamboo is an environmental-friendly and renewable resource. And bamboo easily recycle. The furniture is made of bamboo, which is natural and environmentally friendly. Besides, it is regarded as a new choice for furnishings by people who advocate environmental protection.


  Bamboo furniture is benificial for human health. Bamboo can absorb ultraviolet rays, making eyes more comfortable and preventing myopia. Also, bamboo has a sound insulation. Because bamboo has the ability to absorb moisture and heat. Especially, bamboo has ability to absorb heating in summer , or can warm people in winter.


  Although bamboo furniture has many advantages, bamboo furniture still are not popular well in the market. This is attributed to people's misunderstanding of current bamboo furniture. Consumers generally believe that bamboo furniture has not undergone any anti-corrosion or moth-proof treatment, and it is prone to insects and cracks. In fact, the bamboo laminated wood furniture undergoes hydrothermal carbonization during the production process, which can effectively prevent insects, moths and mildew.